
Get To and From your Doctor's Appointment, Dialysis, or Even to Your Family Picnic or Wedding Safely & Comfortably
We have many different types of Wheelchair vans in our fleet. We have minivans, regular sized vans, the “Mobility Vans,” and even a ‘bus’ type vehicle we use for special events and for extra heavy patients & wheelchairs.
We have two”Mobility Vehicles.” You may have seen them around town, as they’re specially-designed to transport wheelchair-confined people to wherever they need to be. Being in a wheelchair doesn’t mean traveling has to be any more dangerous or inconvenient than not being in a wheelchair.
All of our mobility vehicles are designed to fit any kind of scooter or wheelchair you have… and if you don’t have your own wheelchair, that’s no problem: we have wheelchairs in our mobility vehicles that you can use for your trip.
Mobility Vehicles are side-loaders, which means the ramp extends out the side door for easy city-loading & unloading. Once inside the vehicle, your wheelchair is secured to the vehicle with 4-point straps and you are seat-belted into your chair for the duration of the trip.
Our vans are rear-loaders and are equipped with hydraulic wheelchair lifts. These vans can accommodate two wheelchair-bound patients and two additional escorts at once.
Our minivans are rear-loaders with ramps. These cans can accommodate one wheelchair-bound patient and one escort.
Finally, we have the large van: the newest addition to our fleet. This van can safely accommodate three wheelchair-bound patients and SIX escorts plus our mobility expert. We use this vehicle for our special events but we also utilize its versatility on a daily basis to get our clients to all their appointments as efficiently as possible.
Why not schedule your ride now?